Gaining clarity, using momentum

Occasionally, we find ourselves feeling disconnected from our lives. We try our best to get the situation under control but somehow still feel disjointed, as if nothing we do sticks long-term. Our circumstances may feel annoying or boring, too routine for our taste, or constantly irritating. Possibly, our relationships with co-workers, family, and partners have become tricky, stale, or full of conflict. Our goals may be unclear or out of focus. And the prevailing sense could be disappointment, indecisiveness, worry, or indignation about the injustices of life. We are not at our best, and at least partially, out of sync with life. This can come as just a niggling inkling, or a very powerful sensation that permeates everything.

Many people predominantly think of themselves in relation to other people or their environment. Yet, we all have a relationship with ourselves too. The word ‘relate’ comes from the Latin word relat, meaning ‘brought back’. Our co-existence with the wider world happens in the context of how we come back to ourselves internally. Understanding ourselves is always somewhat incomplete and occasionally very difficult. But the less we know about ourselves and what truly matters to us, the more we gravitate to the external world for orientation. If we are at odds with that world, things can get very messy. And the fewer words we have to describe our inner experiences, the more difficult, complicated, and scary it becomes to navigate through the outside world and amongst other people. We can feel confused or in need of control, we may be somewhat rigid or defensive in our thinking, or too indecisive in our actions. In all cases, life is not on point.

Focusing on our profound relationship with ourselves first, rather than on our external relationships, brings greater and lasting results. I offer coaching that combines Radical Acceptance with a framework of Emotional Intelligence. Through it, you will start to listen to and hone in on that inner voice and then use the information to shape the life you want with the world.

If this sounds vague, the coaching utilises the four pillars of emotional intelligence: perceiving, using, understanding and managing emotions to guide our thinking and behaviour. In your deeply personal one-on-one coaching, you will get individual support in discovering, accessing, and articulating new awareness about your own internal relationship with yourself, as well as your emotional range. You will distil what you truly value and how to apply these values to your circumstances. You will find clarity on choices you want to make, what paths you want to pursue, and how you want to shape your relationships.
Being able to hear and articulate what is going on in your attitudes towards yourself is an indispensable part of discovering and dislodging outdated patterns of thought and behaviour, patterns that no longer suit you. This is a crucial building block to a more rounded social skill set that lets you build, lead, and manage relationships with others.

As a result of the coaching you can expect to:

  • Have greater clarity on your values and what motivates you
  • Trust yourself more
  • Have a new sense of agency, and readiness to shape your life
  • Find yourself more focused and able to prioritise
  • Feel alive rather than just functioning by accessing full range of emotions and thoughts
  • Be more open, adaptable, and resilient to change
  • Feel more courageous and true to yourself
  • Communicate better by understanding your own and other people’s views
  • Have increased self confidence
  • Be able to let go of mistakes and perfectionism
  • Have an increased skill to manage emotions in difficult situations
  • Have better relationships through
    • Increased openness, curiosity, and empathy
    • Increased relationship management skills
  • Be free to bring your authentic self into all spheres of your life

If you are interested in deeply transformational one on one coaching, either online or offline, please contact me for a free sample session.